Real Estate Agents Selection

AI-powered selection

We develop AI-powered algorithms to rank agents operating in the Sea to Sky corridor. These modern tools use both publicly available information, and proprietary analytics. To determine the WhistlerHomes agent rank, we continuously process, and update the data. The algorithms take into consideration multiple criteria, metrics, and variables.

Disclaimer: we do not accept payments nor incentives from real estate agents for being on our Top5 agents lists.

Assessment criteria

  • New listings (90 days)
  • Active real estate listings
  • Sold properties (90 days)
  • Void listings (canceled, or terminated)
  • Transactions volume (CAD)
  • Average days on market
  • Positive and negative reviews and ratings
  • Connections on social networks

Top5 Listing Agents

July 27, 2024 EDITION


Agent / Office
John Ryan PREC*
Whistler Real Estate Company Limited
Maggi Thornhill PREC*
Engel & Volkers Whistler
Sally Warner PREC*
RE/MAX Sea to Sky Real Estate
Robert Palm PREC*
Rennie & Associates Realty
Dean Linnell PREC*
Whistler Real Estate Company Limited


Agent / Office
Angie Vazquez PREC*
Engel & Volkers Whistler
Shawn Wentworth PREC*
Rennie & Associates Realty Ltd.
Matthew Davies
Macdonald Realty
Marianne Wilson PREC*
Royal LePage Black Tusk Realty
Barbara Gloor PREC*
RE/MAX Masters Realty


Agent / Office
Danielle Menzel PREC*
Whistler Real Estate Company Limited
Lisa Hilton PREC*
Whistler Real Estate Company Limited
Jane Heim
Whistler Real Estate Company Limited
Madison Perry
Stilhavn Real Estate Services
Amber Mann PREC*
Whistler Real Estate Company Limited

A Personal Real Estate Corporation (PREC) is a corporation belonging to a single real estate salesperson, associate broker, or managing broker for the purpose of benefiting from the income and tax planning potential of a corporation.


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